We will demo migration of a complex Drupal 7 site (Profile site for a Stanford professor) built with various content types, taxonomies, fields, views.

Site has a complete list of  academic writings along with links to specific papers in Publications view where you can search for papers by topic area, as well as by title, coauthor, and publication type (journal article, working paper, etc.).   Some of the recent papers also appear on the front pages in the Featured Research section. In some cases, listings of papers include links to videos. These are "mini seminars," generally 20 to 30 minutes.  These video links are shown in the Mini Seminars tab.  The Selected Research Agendas tab provides links to pages that describe collections of related papers falling within some of the research areas and include profiles of collaborators.  Current teaching assignments are listed in the Courses tab.  

Finally, PhD Students and Alumni tab shows lists of PhD students in various categories that include links to profiles.

We used a site audit module to generate detailed pre-migration site  metrics, including  number of content types, blocks,  nodes, users, vocabularies and other details.

Last year we spent time on sharpening audit tools - audit is the first step of any migration.  This year BackdropCMS community released a new version of the D2B module. Take advantage of our automated migration tool for a fraction of the agency price. Check out our demo and get in touch for more details.

Link to module https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/d2b_migrate Video currently does not have audio or subtitles.

Setting Backdrop CMS

  • Install Backdrop CMS using drush, bee or from .zip file
  • Install Backup and Migrate and D2B modules
  • Set the $settings['update_free_access'] option in settings.php file to TRUE 

Upgrade from Drupal 7 to BackdropCMS

  • Install d2b and backup and migrate module (BAM)
  • Connect to host or upload db
  • Check projects available for download / in core / not ported (custom modules are usually listed as not ported)
  • Install projects via Project Installer (optional)  
  • Import D7 database
  • Run upgrade
  • Login with D7 admin login
  • (optional) Setup new theme
  • (optional) Setup new layout(s) (new in Backdrop CMS)
  • Review blocks (new in Backdrop CMS)
